Sunday 15 May 2011

The Beginning With A Bang-The Big Bang Theory

How did it all began?
           Scientists and most astronomers belive that the Universe was born in a massive explosion,which they call the Big Bang,which is belived to have occoured 14 billion years ago.This theory is an effort to explain what happened at the very begining of of our Universe.Discoveries in astronomy and physics have shown that our Universe did in fact have a beginning.Before that moment of the Big Bang,there was nothing.During, and after that momentthere was something- our Universe,which contained space and time.

According to the  Big Bang theory nothing existed before the explosion.The only thing that existed was a tiny point or bubble that was far smaller than an atom,but hotter  and denser than anything we can imagine.This state was coined the term’point singularity’.Then suddenly ,this tiny bubble exploded,and the Universe was born.During the explosion,it let loose a huge amount of energy into a small Universe.Inside the Universe,the energy went zipping around all the place.Within seconds,the Universe gerw from  smaller than a single atom ,to bigger than a galaxy.Time,space and matter were all formed out of that energy.
And it kept on growing at a fantastic rate;infact it is still expanding today.

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